How to increase traffic on any website? - Questionsrus
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in Community by (5.6k points)

2 Answers

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Have a lot of money and advertise like crazy something I do not have, see the problem with that most of your advertising is for websites that is running a business as far as personal websites like this there is not much for them we rely on word of mouth and search engines
but if you have a site with hardly no people on it then it is even more difficult especially with people that actually want to be censored like crazy...

by (3.9k points)
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Hi, there are many methods found to increase traffic to website they are
SEO- Search engine Optimization
SEM- Search engine marketing
SMO- Social media optimization
PPC- Pay per click and so on
Among the above mentioned methods SEO is best one to increase traffic for any kind of websites.
Coming under SEO methods there are many free techniques. There are,
1. Article Writing & Submission
2. Social bookmarking
3. Quality Inbound Links
4. Content sharing
5. Keyword Stuffing
6. Automatically generated keyword pages
7. Google Bowling
8. Different content for search engines than users
To get seo service visit here they provide Search engine visibility service which bring traffic to our website. Maxwellglobalsoftware is the best place to get seo services in mumbai. They are offering a SEO and SEM Services that resulted in leads, .movement and deals for your business sites.They also provide Powerful reports that show you how to move your website up in search results.

by (140 points)