Why do most people look so similar these days. Not only in looks, but their personalities are also similar? - Questionsrus
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Have people turned into a hive or something? They all look, behave and act so similar like programmed bots?

by (5.6k points)

1 Answer

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Cause all Human do is mimic and copy each other with no regards on how they hurt the people they do it to for example some one comes in and sees you collection of figurines
you have collected over the years which are very personal to you and wants to know where you got them and all of that,Next thing you know they doing it to, That person just stole part of your identity something special that made you who you were I have been going through that most of my life,,,

by (3.9k points)
edited by

That makes sense and explains it.

Television is the worse of all it creates so many I wannna be it crazy example when man in black movie came how many people were all out intimating them wearing dark glasses, Here in the united states we have all kinds of people that wear their bill hats backwards and even though s that makes a person look retarded they do it any way why cause every one else does it, A ex friend of mine copy me all the time which I did not like I also think that is a part of the reason people want to keep to their self's anymore they are fed up with all the people who steal their identity's Uniqueness in this world is something that is nearly non existent...

Yup. TV and to top it now, all kinds of social media causes people to just get on the bandwagon and follow the latest trend. However, these are just tools to program people. I believe the root cause is that people are programmable and have a sheepish herd mentality. Very few value individual and unique identity and those are the ones who suffer from identity theft like you 've pointed out. We happen to be one of those rare few (not intended to say in a boastful way).

need to change the name of this world to planet Brain Wash...

Haha. Apt name.
